Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Mortal Instruments ... TV?

The Hollywood Reporter: Full Article Here
Okay so at full disclosure when I first read City of Bones, the first in The Mortal Instruments series, it was when there were previews and trailers all over the place for the movie. Now it had been recommended to me when it was first released back in 2008/2009, or somewhere around there, but I just never really saw the appeal in it. And I would be lying if I said seeing the trailer and getting a glimpse of that world is what really drew me in and made me finally read the books.

I read City of Bones, flew threw the next few books in the series, and saw the movie in theaters ... it was good. It wasn't the greatest film adaptation I've ever seen, but definitely not the worst either. I of course was upset by the delay in filming the next portion of the franchise, the stalled release of City of Ashes but time has passed and I've finished City of Heavenly Fire.

I'm torn between whether or not I want it to continue on screen. If they continue as movies the ending to the final installment will leave me just as satisfied as the book did. The story itself in that final part will leave me unsatisfied. City of Heavenly Fire is a book that I, and many others, waited over a year for after reading City of Lost Souls. To me the ending just fell flat and there was almost nothing redeeming about it, it took me a month to read because the desire and the drive just weren't there.

Six months ago I would have loved the idea at attempting to continue the series and maybe a switch from film to TV would've been the right move to keep it current. But now I just don't see any move being the right one. There are a number of fans that are over the moon by this change of pace, fans mourning the fact that there will need to be a recasting, and then there's me. I'm not happy and I'm not angry I'm just indifferent to the whole thing. If Cassandra Clare had given me an ending that made me mourn the end of her primary series I would be more excited about it, she's failed me as an author in my mind so I can't get excited. I just can't.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Your blog has been nominated for the Liebster award! Read my nomination and all the rules at www.readourtravelingblog.blogspot.com <3
