looking at you sir! The man that walks into a store and stands in front of an
employee as you continue your conversation! Do you need assistance? Well why
don’t you get off the phone and ask for it?
looking at you ma’am who doesn’t seem to understand volume control in a public
setting. I do not need to hear about your relative’s horrendous body odor or
anything equally as disgusting.
of course who could forget you? The salesman that feels the need to take
personal calls while he asks me to lie out thousands upon thousands of dollars
for a product. My time is important too and I don’t need to hear about your “crazy”
live in the age of technology, information literally at our fingertips, but
what has that done to common courtesy? When I was in college I was told once
that if I’m ever walking into an office, a store, a place of business where I
am going to ask for help I should NEVER be on the phone. I took that to heart
and I abide by simple courtesy.
I’m going to ask someone for help they deserve my full attention; their time is
just as valuable as mine and as a fellow human being they deserve my undivided
attention. The same goes for anyone that walks into my job and asks me for
assistance. I will NOT compete with whomever is on the other end of that phone
call. My time and my job are important just as important as yours.
phones have become a force field, the cone of silence if you will; they almost
give people the right to tune out to the world around them. Let me tell you it’s
rude! I understand the need to be able to communicate at any given moment but
there is no need to tune out the world around you. I mean let’s face it you
tune out the world around you there’s just as much of chance of you walking
into a person as there is walking in front of a moving car.
difficult is it to stay outside for an extra sixty seconds to finish a phone
call? How hard is it to let a call roll to voicemail every once in a while? It’s
there for a reason.
for a little manners folks, we’re all capable of them.