Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

I feel I must post this, and I know this entry is going to be short and sweet. But thus far I have seen The Fault in Our Stars twice in theaters. It's amazing! Beautiful!

Really that's the only way to describe this movie. Beautiful.

As we all know when adapting novel to film things get a little muddled in translation, scenes and moments land on the cutting room floor in the name of timing and pacing. Ultimately changes must be made, it's the way of the business and it's a necessary evil I've accepted in life. So when entering the theater I always remind myself that this is an adaptation! ADAPTATION!

But this ... this movie I left the theater with not a single complaint. I left the theater utterly speechless and, honestly, a complete and total mess! I melted into a puddle of tears because of how beautifully true and emotionally jarring it was.

So there it is ... beautiful.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


6:30am in West Palm Beach

So this week I start off with a small apology for missing last week's blog post. Believe me I had all good intentions of posting from paradise, brought my laptop on vacation with me and everything! And that is something I never usually do! But alas, two days into my vacation and I need to rush to a doctor to be diagnosed with strep throat and start antibiotics.

So my vacation wasn't exactly what I had envisioned in my head, but hey I guess there are worse things in life right? But I'm back now and back to work! Now that I'm starting to feel more like myself I am diving headfirst back into my work, especially writing more.

Actually something funny happened while I was away on vacation; I can't remember exactly where we were but I happened to be sitting next to my grandmother when she leans into me and asks; "Do you think you'll write another book?"

Now as well all know, I have written and self-published a book. I have one, count 'em ONE, on the market right now. It's my first but most certainly is not my last! I guess I found that question funny because it was asked out of curiosity, as if the writing thing is just something I do in my spare time for fun. While writing is very fun for me let me just state that writing is my passion, it's what I enjoy and what I eventually want to do full time. This is the career that I want.

I do enjoy my job and working where I am right now; which is a good thing! Because if I hated my job while trying to jumpstart a difficult career I'd be miserable. But I'm quite happy and content, on the days I have to be at work I'm happy and my days off from work when I get to focus on my writing I'm happy. I'm at a good place right now and am only planning to move onward and upward from here.

So wish me luck ya'll! Because now that I'm back from vacation I'm jumping in with both feet and giving it my all!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

City of Heavenly Fire

Barnes & Noble
 Okay ya'll ... this week is short and sweet! Mostly because my brain has been bogged down by allergies, humidity and the creeping up of the summer heat. I hate the heat!

But also because the last few days I've been consumed with reading the final installment in the Mortal Instruments series! That's right Book 6 is in my hands!

And let me tell you it took a significant amount of begging to get this book in my hands. I basically semi-harassed my friends at my library to expedite the processing of the book and get it in my ready hands ... this is months after the begging to ensure that my library actually ordered a copy.

 I will say this about my old job at the library, it gave me connections that definitely keeps the nerd in me quite happy!

That's all for today folks! Happy summer! Stay cool!